As a part of my learning activities, I have curated a selection of resources for the course MHST601. Below you will find a description of each course unit - navigate to the unit page to explore my list of curated resources for that topic. Within each unit you will also be able to browse a larger list of resources housed on my Zotero public groups via a specific link for each unit.
Learn about how to maintain a professional online identity, and how to use digital curation tools.

Learn about the definition of health and the factors, or determinants, that influence our health.

Learn about chronic diseases and the toll they place on our health care systems, with a focus on osteoarthritis.

Learn about precision medicine as a future health direction, and what the future looks like for management and prevention of osteoarthritis.

Learn about Canada's health systems at the federal level and provincial - Alberta - level.

Learn about how to approach health issues using a multi-level approach that takes into account more than the individual.

Learn about why our Indigenous populations are vulnerable groups, and how they are impacted by osteoarthritis.