Unit References
During this unit we audited our own online identities and explored what it means to be a professional in the online world, and we discussed some of the ongoing controversies regarding freedom of speech and professionalism. We also began to look into a variety of content curation tools so that we could begin to create our own curated libraries as we progressed through the course.
Unit 1 Resources
For a full list of references, please visit my Zotero public group here. Below is a selection of pertinent resources for this unit, accompanied by a brief description.
As the title suggests, this website explores digital competencies, including: digital survival skills, digital communication, data management and preservation, data analysis and presentation, critical making, design and development.
What Are Digital Competencies? | Bryn Mawr College. (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2021, from https://www.brynmawr.edu/digitalcompetencies/what-are-digital-competencies
This is an excellent article which explores how social media extends beyond our Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn accounts and really encompasses any digital based communications where you can interact with others.
Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn. (n.d.). Serious Question: What Exactly Is Social Media? Lifewire. Retrieved March 29, 2021, from https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-social-media-explaining-the-big-trend-3486616
This news article highlights the importance of health professionals ensuring that they use social media in compliance with their professions social media standards – including their personal social media accounts.
Dec 03, C. N. · P., December 3, 2016 3:32 PM CT | Last Updated:, & 2016. (2016, December 3). Nurse who “vented” online found guilty of professional misconduct | CBC News. CBC.
If you are new to the world of digital content curation, this article is a great place to start! It explains what it is, why it’s important and how you can do it. There is also a link to other sites which explore a variety of different tools – each with its own strengths and weaknesses.
KayO. (2016, August 2). Digital Content Curation: More Important Than Ever! Linking Learning. https://www.linkinglearning.com.au/digital-content-curation-more-important-than-ever/
This chapter explores the concept of professional socialization and why it is beneficial for health professionals. It is laid out as a tool for educators to use when teaching – but it is a great read for anyone working in the health world, as it shows how professional socialization is ultimately linked to professional values, identity and career fulfillment.
Melrose, Sherri, Park, Caroline, Perry, & Beth. (2015). CHAPTER FOUR – PROFESSIONAL SOCIALIZATION OF HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS. In Creative Clinical Teaching in the Health Professions. EPUB-FHD.athabascau.ca.https://clinicalteaching.pressbooks.com/chapter/chapter-four-professional-socialization-of-health-care-professionals/